
Are you struggling to create an online presence that truly represents your business? In this video, Cultivate offers tips on how to create a great business profile, which is essential for establishing a strong online presence. The video walks through the steps of creating a UVP, including identifying the broad picture of the business, its unique benefits to customers, and the primary target audience. A well-crafted UVP is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy and can be used across all your online platforms. This video will also help you craft your brand identity, write compelling service descriptions, and create an engaging call to action to enhance your online presence. Start by downloading the template above.

Writing a Unique Value Proposition

Your UVP (unique value proposition) should inform customers about what you do and why they should buy from you. Start by writing a few broad strokes ideas about what your business provides and what products or services you sell. Instead of listing individual products, you want to list the big picture. From there, some things you want to consider are 

  • How does your product uniquely benefit your customers?
  • What do they want your product or service to do for them?
  • Who are your primary or ideal customers and what kind of common characteristics do they share?

Once you have brainstormed, use our formula to fill in the blanks and create a concise statement that explains what you offer and why customers should buy from you.

Crafting Service Descriptions

Crafting business service descriptions is crucial for your small business as it helps your customers determine if they need your product or service. When writing, use clear and compelling language to communicate how your company uniquely solves their problem. Refer to the UVP and ideas you’ve written before to create rich descriptive content. You can even use the format of writing a sentence about each one of those template blanks that you’ve filled in if it fits your service or business. Choose each word carefully and use rich descriptive words such as quaint, robust, picturesque, sustainable, or durable. Once you believe you’ve written a strong overview and a unique proposition, walk away from your writing to gain a little perspective. When you return, reread what you’ve written and edit it. Often walking away will help you gain the perspective you need to see it with clear eyes.

About Your Business

Your “About” section is an opportunity to tell your company’s story and showcase what makes you unique. Consider including information about how you got started, your background experience, and your business philosophy. You can also highlight your team and list features and amenities that distinguish you from your competitors.

Remember that the purpose of this section is to enhance your credibility and generate interest in your company, so be sure to focus on what sets you apart in a way that is compelling and informative. Avoid including information that might distract from your message, and make sure that your writing is clear, concise, and engaging. Additionally, consider having someone else review your about section to ensure that it effectively communicates your company’s story and message.

Creating a Call to Action

Crafting a strong Call to Action (CTA) is critical in getting your potential customers to engage with your business. When creating your CTA, you want to clearly and directly state what you want the customer to do next. This can be anything from scheduling a consultation, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. The key is to make it simple and easy for the customer to take that next step. Use action-oriented language that encourages them to take action, such as “Sign up now” or “Get started today.” It’s also important to make sure your CTA is visible and prominent on your website or marketing materials. Test different versions of your CTA to see what resonates best with your audience. Most importantly, make sure your CTA aligns with your overall business goals and values, and that it accurately represents the value your business can provide to your customers.

Using Your Business Profile Content

It’s crucial for small businesses to utilize their business profile content across all digital marketing channels, including their website, social media, and directory listings. Your unique value proposition and call to action should be prominently displayed on your website’s home page to quickly capture potential customers’ attention. Landing pages can be created using the service descriptions discussed in the video, and adding photos can provide a completely new look for your website. Regularly updating your website with fresh content can also help boost your SEO and attract more customers. Finally, optimizing your Google Business Profile with concise descriptions and service listings can help potential customers find your business online. Consistent use of well-crafted content will ultimately help small businesses succeed in the digital age.